Optimization of electroactive hydrogel actuators


24 -, O’Grady M, Kuo P, and Parker KK. 2010. “Optimization of electroactive hydrogel actuators.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2, 2, Pp. 343-346. Publisher's Version


To improve actuation of hydrogels, we utilized an emulsion polymerization to engineer porous structures into polyelectrolyte hydrogels. Porous hydrogels generated large deformation as a result of enhanced deswelling mechanisms; for instance, the decreased number of COO− groups that must be protonated in porous hydrogels to initiate bending. Measurements of the mechanical properties revealed that porous hydrogels also bend to a larger extent because of their increased flexibility. Overall, our results demonstrate that the fast and large actuation of polyelectrolyte hydrogels can be accomplished by increasing the hydrogel porosity.
Last updated on 04/11/2022